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This group is for gay students from any of these inetitutions here in cape town...

I made this group hoping that gay students from UWC, UCT and CPUT would join where we get to chat, share ideas and tips and just generally get along with each other. We need to strengthen our visibility on campuses as the gay community...

Group Founder: gov3164
Group Type: Public join
Members: 42
Category: Your City/Region > Africa

Topics (3)
sharky88 October 2018
hey there! (2)
HI guys Im a 3rd year uwc student. I'm muslim gay guy. add me on facebook. my name is Sharky Moestaqeem Esau- san. Chat soon . Mwah
malcolm3 February 2013
Malcolm (0)
Hey am a new student in CPUT,CPT campus i need a cute guy no fat guyz plz...and no ugly guys,,plz
gov3164 February 2013
Where are you? Do you live on campus? Are you single? what course do you do... maybe a bit more about urself if u dont mind!!!

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