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Star StupidQuestions
A place to safely ask all those stupid questions you've always wanted to ask. Get to know your fellow man.

Stupid questions: we all have them. They are those things you want to know, but don't ask for some reason. The question may be too personal or inappropriate. You may feel stupid asking something you know must be really obvious to the other person. Or you may just not want to drive the other person crazy. Whatever the reason, get someone next to a Scottsman and inevitably they want to know why they wear kilts and what they wear underneath. I would like this group to be more about learning about people from different cultures, countries, religions and genders, etc., then about general knowledge type questions, but ofcourse, one or two wouldn't hurt. And I, please, ask that you keep things respectful. That said: let the games begin!

Group Founder: nightpup
Group Type: Public join
Members: 19
Category: Chat Groups > By Topic

Topics (16)
nightpup August 2010
Group News (4)
Hi. This is where you will find my correspondences with you. The place to stay up to date with what's going on in the group.
sanchezz August 2010
WOOOPSE!!! (0)
If crime fighters fight crime n fire fighters fight fire,then do freedom fighters fight freedom???!
gyne July 2010
Is kissing cheating? (3)
My girlfrend recently caught me kissing her best frend. We broke up coz she believes I cheated on her; so is kissing cheating?
nightpup July 2010
Just Talk [17]
Hi. If you just want to talk or say things off-topic, you can post those things here.
jakimc July 2010
Penguins (3)
Why don't penguins get cold feet? Or do they?

Polls (3)

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