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Star Generalscience
Wana learn

Knw mo about science,ask questions on any topic.UR REPLY WIL COM IN LESS THAN 10minutes

Group Founder: raygeen
Group Type: Public join
Members: 31
Category: Business, Work, and School > School

Topics (6)
raygeen May 2014
apart 4m using a priodc tabl hw can u knw dat dis z a metal or not
pyele March 2014
electricity (1)
wat is the formular for ohms law?
roxaneee March 2014
Oxidation number (1)
Define oxidation number?What is the oxidation number of oxygen and hydrogen?
pyele March 2014
physics (1)
which scientist discovered a pendulam?
raygeen May 2012
Excretion (2)
Dfyn excretion

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