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Star TaFseer
(We wake up in the religion of Islam and with a sincere word(LAA ILAAHA ILL-ALLAH) and on the path of our Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing of Allah be upon him, and in the nation of our Father Ibrahim, A steadfast Muslim, and he was not of the polythe

Laa Ilaaha III-Allah wahdahu la shareeka lahul, lahul-mulku walahul-hamd, wahuwa ala kulli shay'in qadeer.

Group Founder: osman20
Group Type: Public join
Members: 26
Category: Religion & Beliefs > Islam

Topics (13)
maryam0 August 2011
Chat zone [11]
osman20 February 2011
The Prohet (PBUH) said: it will not come until you see ten signs, and the he mentioned: 1)the smoke, 2)the Dajjal(Antichrist) 3)Beast, 4)the rising o
ekua February 2011
Respecting a non-Muslim Mothe (6)
I was born a Christian and now I am a Muslim, al-hamdulillah, Will Allah forgive me if I hurt my mother's feelings due to my conversion?
abu_g February 2011
Salafi VS Sunni (0)
see here, its shocking reality -
osman20 January 2011
Join the Congregational Praye (0)
Congregational (Jama'ah) Prayer is of the merits in Islam to extent that the Prophet(S.A.W) is reported to have stated that congregational prayer far

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