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Star Should-You-Fear-Hell
does God really send ppl to eternal torment?

does God really send ppl to eternal torment?

Group Founder: unquiet1
Group Type: Public join
Members: 9
Category: Religion & Beliefs > Christianity

Topics (8)
jay1972j August 2011
Get a grip (1)
Get a grip aye ur guna go in the ground or get burnt theres nuthin when u die
unquiet1 April 2011
Wot is the Lake Of Fire (3)
Revelation 20:10
unquiet1 April 2011
Should You Fear Hell? (8)
WHAT image does the word hell conjure up in your mind? Do you see hell as a literal place of fire and brimstone, of unending torment and anguish? F
unquiet1 April 2011
Wot Reallly happens at death? (5)
Dead people do not GO anywhere. Good dead people do not go to heaven to float on clouds and walk streets of gold, and bad dead people do not go to a p
unquiet1 April 2011
Wot did Jesus teach about hell [11]
''If your eye causes you to sin,'' said Jesus, ''get rid of it. You would be better off to go into God's kingdom with only one eye than to have two ey

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