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* TheQueensCourt > Topics
Hey there all the loyal subjects of the Queen's Court. I know that it has been a while since I have posted any topics. I just wanted to share what recently come to mind. I know that many of you might have heard about a tragedy that happed in Florida a few weeks ago. For those of you who didn't, I am going to give a brief re-cap. A young man frequented an Alternative Lifestyle club in Miami, Florida. Just as a side note, the young man was stated to be Muslim. He was said to be collecting information about the goings on that occurred inside the club. Well, one horrific night, after seeing two homos*xual people kissing, the young man decided he was going to do something about this situation. He supposedly stated to some that he, HATED gay people. He actions were, he entered the club with automatic weapons and killed and wounded a number of people.

Shortly after that incident, there was a I think 16 or 17 year old teenager that committed suicide. She had done some inappropriate behaviors which somehow was captured on camera. The acts were leaked to the public. When her classmates and others in the community found out what she was doing, they began to harass her and talk negatively about here. The young lady felt as though she could not handle the pressure and decided to end her life. She succeeded, sadly to say.

On a lighter note, I live in a city that is very obsessed with Physical appearance. If you are not thin, tan, with long hair (Natural or fake), dressed in name brand clothing, It is seen as a problem. If you are overweight where I live it is a big problem, no pun intended. I have heard people say things like, I would rather DIE than be FAT! There are other mean, nasty, and hateful things that are said too. I have a list of comments said to me which, is to long to mention here. I think one of the most common statements to most Bigger Bodied people is, If you just lose weight, then all your problems would go away. Needless to say, there is much Fat Shaming where I live.

Now here is my point. We live in a world that is increasingly becoming more connected. This is partly because we have more human beings on the planet now, than any other time in history. The second point is, we are increasingly closer to others because of technology. We have the long arms reach of the world wide web/Internet.

Here is the question that I want to pose to you all. Does anyone think that it is ok to Shame or Bash anyone for their actions or personal choices?

Where does tolerance come in? We are so much more technologically advanced now but, it seems that our ethics or moral code has totally deteriorated. Does anyone agree that we should embrace tolerance and understanding?

Let me know what you all think. I would also ask, those that read this posted topic, please share. It is important and relevant to all of us. I know that each and every person alive has some story that they could tell about how some person from their past hurt their feelings because of one flaw, choice, genetic glitch, lack of something or inadequacy in some area or another. So, we all have been affected, some of us just more than others.

The question is, Do you feel that it is ok to Fat Shame, Gay Bash, Height Bash, Handicap Hate or in any means by verbally or physically abusive toward another living human being for their choice, actions or genetic disposition?

Ok my lovelies! You all are on the clock. Let me hear what you all think. Again, please share with as many people as you can. Let's start a conversation. That is one of the goals of the group, to engage in positive, constructive dialogue. Here is your opportunity to pitch in. I look forward to hearing all of the comments that come in. As usual, I extend the offer to those who would like to have a private chat with me. Please feel free to drop me a message into my inbox. I will get back to you all, as quickly as I possibly can. Thanks for your time, and energy. I greatly appreciate you all. Much Love from my heart to yours.

Until next time, take care. Continued Blessings!

Queen D
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