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* ramance > Topics

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mcnex 2011
Ur mate (4)
How do u hav s*x wit ur girlfriend dat dnt wnt it n u cant leave her
slimsesh June 2010
Whats love [9]
Is love pain or is it happyness,
tadeus June 2010
YOUR lover [11]
is your lover romantic and in what way?
mopac May 2009
Im in Love wit my pal' (4)
Plz help me out.I ve got a pal n we ve bin pals 4 7yrs now.Da problem is dat i love ha so much but im afraid 2 tel ha coz i myt lose ha n our friends
westie March 2009
if u wnt knw if she iz rly urs (0)
how wil u knw a chic iz ur chic n nt plyin u?
goldiloc February 2009
Unfaithful [11]
Hw do u luv 2 ppl nd want 1 more than da other
elnj September 2008
bookmarked (0)
xxowned me xx forum dating
handleme July 2008
Am afraid (3)
Am afraid he is no longer into me even though he tells me he loves me.the thing is i told him i have a baby and that changed everything.his too ashame
lhalha June 2008
Is he realy mine (1)
I have kid wif my bf b4 we were realy loverz nw he colz in da middle of da night and tel me ilove u baby big tym bt if i call hm mybe abt 2 in da even
velaz May 2008
How??? (0)
How can someone be romantic.
aysha333 May 2008
How wil it work? (2)
Ive got a m8 who lyks me alot n i do aswel bt i wud want it 2 last 4eva n hw cn i b sure it wil?
divababe February 2008
Alcoholic bf (1) ur bf drinks n smokes...n dats is it wrng 2 expect hm nt 2do it infront of u n wen he knws that he is gna c u,coz really nw,it aint nyc
lienkels October 2007
*LoVe*...17,f,cpt. (3)
Im lukin 4 a cpt guy who's interestd in havin a serious relationship. Any guys btwn 18-21,plz inbox me.
mopac June 2007
'Love with pal' (1)
Plz help me out.I ve got a pal n we ve bin pals 4 7yrs now.Da problem is dat i love ha so much but im afraid 2 tel ha coz i myt lose ha n our friends

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