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Greek word for neighbor is . ( A friend, close associate, or a person who lives nearby.

The Abrahamic covenant in Genesis 12:1-3 established moral obligations among the Israelites. They were not told but commanded by God to show concern for their neightbor. In Ex 20:16-17, Deu 5:20-21, forbids the defaming or slandering or condemning including the envying of a neighbor's wife, servant, livestock etc. And it complised of mercy.
Hence, at time of Jesus, Jesus took peoples problems at face value and healed them. If they were sinners he kept their secrets without not discriminating them, He was not an arrogant know all but He left people with their dignity. Many are the times we have even disconnected ourselve from people wo were once dear and close to us, all becoz of one act of wrong or becoz they could not keep our secrets. Mercy means u have de right to punish or destroy but u do not do so. Gods mercy gos much further than not killing or punishing and reverging, but restoring the person wholeness. There is still room to restore that dignity, love, relationship, friendship and trust, i knw its painful but Jesus showed us the way by loving us who were enemy of the kingdom of God. If he did it u can also do it God bless as u make that discion.
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