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* Be-Motivated > Topics

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true July 2009
Wat is success? [23]
1stly we hav our own definitions thereof bt i pose 1 que if wat u define as success (being financialy potent) if dat is taken away wat wud u den b? 2 February 2009
Inspirational stories [12]
Tell us of ordinary people who have done extraordinary things in the midst of challenges and struggle.
true January 2009
Reading room. (2)
A great man of GOD once said what you read is how you feed, with this in mind share some good literature that has encouraged you to better your life a
true November 2008
Inspirational quotes [26]
Place you fovourite quotes, quotes that have inspired you to DO MORE AND BE MORE!
true October 2008
Discover your personal Purpose [27]
This was aut d by Tau Oliphant.
true September 2008
How to become successful? (3)
First what is success and how do I measure it? Let me first define what success is not. Success is not the accumulation of things in life, like when y
true August 2008
Think like a winner (5)
*A winner is always ready to tackle something new. A loser is pro ne to believe it can't be done. *A winner isnt afraid of competition. A lo
true August 2008
Wat inspires u? (5)
Wat gets u up in d mornin nd kips u goin? Wen lyf s nt goin ur way wat gets u up nd kips u goin?
true June 2008
What is life? (1)
Life is a challenge-meet it. Life is a gift- accept it. Life is an adventure- dare it. Life is a sorrow- overcome it Life is a tragedy- face it Life
blush16 June 2008
I CAN (3)
If you think you are beaten, you are.If you think you dare not, you don't. If you like to win, but you think you can't.It's almost certain you won't. June 2008
Do more (0)
Do more than exist- liveDo more than touch- feelDo more than look- observeDo more than read- absorb Do more than hear- listenDo more than think- ponde June 2008
Fear-o-success (2)
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. Its our light not our darkness that most frig
namasuku March 2008
The journey of life (8)
U r nt made of steel bt u r strong enough 2endure life's challenges.U dnt hv wings bt u must find a way 2reach the sky n acheive ur dreams.Yes u r mad
true January 2008
Mountain climbing (0)
A mountain s 1 of d gr8 metaphors 4 lyf, rminding u dat: Challenges r oftn mo difcult dan dey seem @d outset. An ascent dat @ 1st apears smoth tu
namasuku January 2008
choose LIFE (1)
LIFE is a mirror of your action,what you see is what you get.what you give in is what you get out..what other way would you describe this idiom in con

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