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Personality vs Appearance! (1)
Ok a majority of us, usually look for the outer beauty when admiring a person but we tend to stray from the beauty on the inside regardless of what! W
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Teenage love vs parents obligations (1)
We as teens tend to get a little emotional at times and begin to develop feelings for others! Do you think, parents should be lenient on teenage rela
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Skoolaz tendencies and fantasies (0)
Knowlegde is power, in which we attain from school it enable us to be well inclined. It is the key to all doors! Lets discuss about issues n matters
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Teenage s*x (1)
Do you think we as teens should really abstain from s*x? Give ur take on this issue.......
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Partying (0)
Yes! Summer is here again and the party vibez is definitely in the atmosphere! Do u think we should drink alot of alchoholic beverages or offer condom

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