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* PS3-VS-Xbox360 > Topics

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sh.mos54 3 days
WELCOME!!! (1)
welcome everyone to this group!feel free to create topics and make replies, also you can download files and suggest links!
sh.mos54 3 days
PS3 vs Xbox360! (4)
wich one has better games, graphics,fanbase,and all those things that a console need!
sh.mos54 4 days
PS3 vs 360 (games) (3)
a topic about exclusives (mgs4,halo3) and all the good games that both have
dvdx 4 days
Microsoft or Sony (3)
Wich one you Trust?
sh.mos54 4 days
Blu-ray vs hd-dvd (5)
wich do you guys think is best?
sh.mos54 4 days
PS3 vs 360 (controller) (3)
wich is best?the Dualshock 3 with no rumble or the 360 controller?
1..faadi October 2009
FIGHTkORNA (group) (0)
Click on my name to find the group n join up for all thingz Fight
sh.mos54 February 2008
PS3 vs 360 (online) (2)
wich online mode is best?

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* PS3-VS-Xbox360

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