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* -Gurners-Of-Pro- > Topics

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b1ackerz February 2010
Thank you (2)
To evry 0ne who has uploaded a gurn pic s0 far. Cheers 4 being a go0d sp0rt + n0t being scared to let 0ut the muppet in ya .
b1ackerz July 2009
Tommy mattinson gurn champ. (0)
Tommy mattinson 41 has w0n the world gurning championship title 11 times + is in the guiness bo0k of rec0rds. His 11th victory was performed 2whams 'i
b1ackerz July 2009
Definition of gurning (0)
A gurn is a distorted facial xpression+ a verb 2 describe the action. A typical gurn mite involve projecting the lower jaw as far 4ward+ upward as pos

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