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* Programming4newbies > Topics

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samstarx January 2013
Web from cmd prompt (0)
open cmd prompt and type this.... start And then press enter U can change your web address
gillguy October 2010
Create your own wap site (1)
Click these links
samstarx September 2010
q 1 (1)
1..swap to n0s using temporary variable. 2.swap two n0.s with0ut any third variable
samstarx March 2010
windows c (0)
write a prog. to make 3 windows based on 3 procedures with their c0l0urs red blue and green and display message when they get clicked
samstarx January 2010
q 4 (0)
find the largest and smallest n0 entered by user in an array
samstarx January 2010
q 3 (0)
1.find reverse 0f a n0 and check if it is palindr0me
samstarx January 2010
q 2 (0)
1. find factorial of a n0 using for l00p. 2. using while l0op. 3. using a recursi0n functi0n
samstarx January 2010
ebook recommend (0)
i recommend cpp game m0dules 4m they r very costly 4m site but grab them 4ee 4m
samstarx January 2010
begineers q. (0)
after going thru basics, try to find out and make in how many ways u can print hello message 0n c0nsole
samstarx January 2010
Start (0)
In the era of internet. u can simply start with any ebook on c/c++(do c++) ,and u can b master in n0 time,and its 4ee of course,like d0wnload it 4m a

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