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Now that is the REVELATION JESUS Christ is God .THE GREAT I AM OF THE OLD TESTAMENT IT IS JESUS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. No matter how hard you try you cant prove there are three Gods .But it also takes AREVELATION to see that the JEHOVAH of the Old Testament it is JESUS of the New Testament. Satan crept into the church and blinded people to this truth ,and when they were blinded to it ,it was not long until the church of ROME stopped baptism in the NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.
I admit to say that it takes the Revelation from the holy ghost to see truth about the Godhead these days when we are in the midst preventing of so much scriptures. But the prevailing overcoming church is built on Revelation so we can expect God to reveal His truth to us, however you actually dont need a Revelation on water baptism. It is right there staring at you in the face, would it be possible for one minute for the Apostles to be led astray from a direct command from the Lord to baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holyghost and then find them in willfully disobedience? They knew what the name was, and there is not one place in scripture were they were baptized in any other way than in the NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. Common sense would tell you that the book of Acts is the Church in action, and if they baptize that way, then that is the way to baptize .Now if you think that is strong, what do you think of this? Anyone who was not baptized in the NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST had to be baptized again.
ACTS 19: 1-6
And it come to pass, that while Apollos was at Corinth ,Paul having passed trough the upper coast came to Ephesus; and finding certain disciples, he said unto them have ye received the holyghost since ye believed ? .And they said unto him we have not so much as heard whether there be any holyghost, and he said unto them, unto what then were ye baptized ? And they said ,unto JOHNNs baptism. There it is , These good people at EPHESUS had hears about the coming messiah , John had preached him. they were baptized unto repentance of sins,
looking forward to believing on Jesus , but now it was time to look back to Jesus and be baptized unto remission of sins. It was time to receive the holyghost. And when they where Baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Paul laid his hands on them and the holy ghost came upon them.Oh! These dear folks at EPHESUS were fine people and if anyone had a right to feel secure,they did.Notice how far they had come all they way up to accepting the coming messiah they were ready for him.
But dont you inspite that they had missed him? He had come and gone, they needed to be Baptised in the name of the Lord baptized in the name of Lord Jesus Christ.they needed to be filled with the holyghost in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,GOD will feel you with his spirit.that is the word.ACTS19:6,which we read was the fulfilling of acts2:38. Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the Remmision of sins, And you shall receive the gift of the holyghost. See, Paul, By the HOLYGHOST.Said exactly what peter said cannot be changed.It had to be the same from Pentecost until the very last elected one has been baptized,Galatians 1:8 but though,we or an ANGEL from heaven, Preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preaced unto you let him be accursed.
Now some of you oneness people baptized wrong. You baptized for regeneration as though bening immersed in water save you.Reltenration does not come by water:It is the work of the spirit.The man who by the holyspirit gave the command, Repent and be baptized everyone in the name of the Lord Jesus chirist,did not say that water regenerated.he said it was only an evidence of a good conscience toward God. That was all. 1PETER 3:21 the like figure unto even Baptism doth also now save usnot the putting away of the filth of the flesh,but the answer of a good conscience towards the resurrection of Jesus Christ.I BELIEVE IT.
If any one has any false ideas that history can prove water baptism can other way than in the name of the lord Jesus Christ.would advise you to read the histories and find out yourself.That the following is a true record of a baptism which took place in roome AD 100 and was produced in time magazine,5 DEC 1955, The deacon raises his hand and publius Decius stepped thru baptistery door.
standin waste deep in the pool was Marcus Vasca the wood seller. He was smilling as Publius waded into the pool beside him. Creedis ? he asked.Credo. responded Publius. I believe that my salvation comes from Jesus the Christ, who was crucified under Pontis Pilate. With him I died that with him I may have eternal life. then he felt strong arms supporting him as he let himself fall back wards into the pool, and heard marcus voice in his ear
BAPTISE you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.. as the cold water closed over him. Right up until the truth was lotand did not return until this last age.this is from Nicea till the turn of this century they baptized in the of Lord Jesus Christ. but it has came back. Satan cant keep the revelation down when the spirit wants to give it.
Yes if there were three gods, you might very well baptize for a father, son and holyghost, but the revelation given to John was that there is one God and his name is Lord Jesus Christ. And you baptize for one God and His name is Lord Jesus Christ. Thats why Peter baptized the way he did at Pentecost. He had to be true to the revelation which was: Let all the house of Israel know as*uredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom you crucified both Lord and Christ [acts 2:37] there He is the LORD JESUS CHRIST. If Jesus is both Lord and Christ, then He [Jesus] is, and can not be else but Father, Son and Holyspirit in one person manifested in flesh .It is not God in three persons, blessed trinity, but it is one God one person with three major titles, with three offices manifesting those titles .Hear it once more .This is same Jesus Christ is both Lord [FATHER] Christ [HOLYSPIRIT] are JESUS. For He is both of them [LORD AND CHRIST ]
If that doesnt show us the true revelation of the GODHEAD, nothing will. Lord is not another one this JESUS is the LORD JESUS CHRIST ONE LORD.THE GREAT I AM OF THE OLD TESTAMENT IT IS JESUS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT.

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