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main22 March 2011
Appology (0)
Hae 2 all group member, i had been off-line 4 a duration of time deu 2 da studies. I really appology 4 da silence n from now im on now.
main22 July 2010
Sugar's (0)
Wat wil u do if a sugar mammy or daddy who is stinking rich approaches u 4 marriage?
main22 June 2010
breakup (2)
a gal decided 2 a breakup coz she waz cheated dat im a player. she called me n we breakup. advice me plz.
lexcey June 2010
Break up (1)
Hey aguy cheatd me n an pregnantd me ,stop schulng cheatng he was goin 2 marry me ,n aftr tht he went miss ,its lke 5yr nw n have hs son n dnt have an
babrads June 2010
Love dat left my heart into pi (1)
Wel,i met thz boy n he meant da whole world 2me u knw first lov az we kal it...i neva thot he kold shut da doorz of hapinnez one dei 2me...aktualy fel

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