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scra May 2013
Rulez 4 fighting. (7)
1.legs ur 4 standin,th hands ur 4 fighting. Its a big temptatn 4 beginin m.arts studnts 2 learn fancy kicks in order 2 show his frendz that he z do
scra May 2013
Martials arts quotes..Feel free to add! [25]
The purpose of training z to tighten th slack,toughen th body en 2 polish th spirit~ morihei uyeshiba
scra May 2013
-you can win if you want to badly enough-,means that the will is amount of punishment,no amount of effort,no condition is too -tough- to t
scra March 2013
Which is th best martial art? (6)
This seemz 2 b an argument dat springs up anywher wer thinkin pipo ur around so i decided i shud add it on ere. So ya. . .this is basicly a poll. Post
scra October 2012
Classical vs NonClassical martial arts (0)
So many masters and sifus, nowadays trying to cut corners and gets there the easy way. Their excuse I do non-classical martial arts. Usually,
scra April 2012
Training drills, conditioning and etc (4)
To start off with, i feel that three things make a complete fighter. Technique, physical fitness, and heart. Your instructor/coach can only help you w
scra April 2012
random facts! (3)
Jean claude van damme is going back to the ring may or june 2012!
scra November 2011
Ashihara Karate (2)
Wer 2 start. . . .Ummm. . .K il start frm th beginin........... What is ashihara karate? Karate-do z made f 3 japanes ideogrmz; kara means empty, te
scra November 2011
What is meant by being a 'master' of an (0)
To me, there are two ways to define the term. One is that a master is only a master when your master tells you, you are one. Sort of on the same lines
r6z September 2011
Read this! Important! (1)
For proper alertness n quickness.... U must practise, in ya free tym, the moves so that ya body will b ready to release adrenaline ( the flight or fig
scra May 2011
knife defense. (2)
Due 2 a recent,rather uncomfrtabl incdnt. . am addin this topic.jus 1 vry imPortnt note b4 neythng.ney1 wit enaf motivatn 2 attak u wit a knife z nt p
r6z February 2011
Tip for women (6)
Women, herez a quick self defense move that can b used wen u r threatened....though itz illegal n fatal, itz d only option...first, hit d side portion
scra February 2011
(THE MIND)why we practice forms or kata (2)
as u read dis topic,imagine that u ur holdin a big yellow juicy lemon in yo hand. U must SEE th lemon in yo mind's eye,u must feel th waxy texture en
scra January 2011
Way of the Warrior (0)
this is basically the kind of personality a true martial artist MUST have,hence u cn use it as a guide 2 measur whether u or ney1else z a true WARRIOR
scra January 2011
whAt the Martialarts are NOT! (0)
1. A religion. I am a christian en as such i get alot of negativ criticzm 4 practicin m.arts.mostly frm atha*so calld*christianz(i say so calld bco

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