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vinugeo March 2013
Get Rs. 20 Mobile recharge (0)
Join'TeenKeen' forum and YOU WILL GET Rs. 20 MOBILE RECHARGE,within 48 hours of joining. .entry is free. .check it out. 100 % working
vinugeo February 2013
How to tell a girl that you love her? (1)
If you have any queries over this section. .plz specificaly provide me your situation. .lyk your age. .the grl's age. .your status. .poket money. .etc
vinugeo February 2013
**How to get into Indian Army?** (0)
If you are intrestd in the answer to this question. .plz join the group and post a query. .i promis. .you wil get the answer
vinugeo February 2013
How to quit smoking? (0)
If you are a smoker and want to quit it. .then try this. .each tym you hav th urge of smoking. .just li8 the matchstick and smel it. .u can control th
vinugeo February 2013
@How to approach a boy for first time?@ (0)
If you have any doubts plz specificaly provide me your problem. .lyk whats your age. .your boyfriends age etc. .etc. .and i promise my frnd we can mak
vinugeo February 2013
**how to wake up early in the morning?** (0)
Try this. .before sleeping eat a leaf of coriander and drink a glas of water. .you will not put the alarm back to snooze. .trust me
vinugeo February 2013
**why do i dont have beards and moustach (0)
This is the prime worry of many of the teens. .for their kind information there is no medicine or any razor cut method to grow your beards fast. .
vinugeo February 2013
**which college to select?** (0)
This mi8 b th question haunting many aspirants. .just give me your mark details(name not requird) and i wil tel u th most appropriate colleg
vinugeo February 2013
*ask anything* (0)
Just join the 'TeenKeen' ask your doubts and queries about anythng. .eg: love, romance ,life , family , money , job , college admison , politics. . .j

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