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* airtel-by-gtalk > Topics
You can share everything you want in airtel-by-gtalk.But be legitimate and please care not to spam.This is a group created for sharing New services,tricks,cracks,hacks,Airtel tariffs,basic info about Airtel,free stuff from Airtel,pc and mobile information,non-technical stuff and other things.But please,do not spam,post irregular stuff,and also do not try to fool each other.If you have launched/know of a service and want to share it,create a new topic and post everything you want there.Well,that's all.Now you can start whatever you want to do but please refer to the rules above to guide you.If you have any questions,post it here.To continue to Airtel-by-gtalk group press and hold the 8 key of your mobile phone with your default browser.
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