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* Teenaged > Topics

1. Find an appropriate
text editor for
BlackBerry that allows
you to save files with
different extensions.
The one I used was
BBNotePad (OTA).
2. Run the application
and type in your code.
3. Click [BlackBerry Menu
Button] Save As
and save your file with
any extension.
Vuala! Here is your file saved
on your memory card and
waiting for you to upload it
to your server or home PC
or anywhere where you run
your PHP or other files. My
next goal is to find a great
FTP Client to be able to
upload files to a server
directly from BlackBerry. So
far, I found couple, but none
of them worked correctly for
storm. I wonder if its
because Storm doesnt use
wireless and Internet
connection is provided by
EVDO/3G network.
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