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Groups » Elmo » Members » croxigal
* Elmo > Members > croxigal
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This group is for singles that want a relationship.
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CoMe GeT a PoSiTiOn In ThE EA fUn JoInt CluB...HoT cHiCkX n DuDeZ oN pOiNt...itS mOrE dAn SwAgGeR...sOo fAnTaBuLoUs N fAbUlAsTiC...kRaZiE!!@aLl____N iF u DoN WaNnA jOiN 'unajifanya migingo ung'ang'aniwe na nani?'...No OlD gRaNdS!!!! aLsO a GuD NuMbEr Of m
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HI there. The group has lots of topics, some of which include jokes, insults, pickup lines, adult nursery rhymes, aussie lingo decoder and heaps more including polls and funny pictures. Plz join the group and have a look.

* Elmo

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