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Groups » Christian-Pals » Members » wassai
* Christian-Pals > Members > wassai
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Christianity Explained in an easy to understand way. *Grace, Love, Peace and Fellowship* Who is this King of Glory? His Name is JESUS CHRIST The Name above all other Names
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Ps 119:103 How sweet are your words to my taste; sweeter than honey to my mouth! English version of Excellent Afrikaans christian teachings in here!
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a place for u too leave prayer requests and have ppl all over pray over u and u to pray over others
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Group for mi buds
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This group is designed 2 minister 2 the sensitive womans heart the weaker vesel as FATHER GOD refers 2 u not bcos u r physicaly weak but bcos ur sensitive and anything that is sensitive needs to be protected. Lets go in2 the WORD of GOD!

* Christian-Pals

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