Prodigits |
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* Interests
Exercising, xbox, cycling, partying, colleting DVDs

* Makes Me Happy
When my tummy is full !

* Makes Me Sad
When the electricity goes off mid game/film grrrr !!!

* Good Habits
I tell the truth, even if you dont like it !

* Bad Habits
I'm an ass !I have a habit of telling the truth even when it is going to hurt !

* Profession
Ex Soldier.


* Music
Metal, Rock, Punk etc etc

* Singer/Band
Too many to list.

* TV Show
Too many to list.

* Movie
Too many to list.

* Animal

* Food/Drink
Yes/Yes (lots of both).

* Place
Alone lol

* Thing

* Quote
"The thing I treasure most in life cannot be taken away"

Bored guy wanting friends to chat with . . .

More About 26464
26464 is of white / caucasian origin, straight, single, spiritual, living with his pets and has 2 children

He is normal weight, 6' - 6' 3" (183cm - 190cm) tall, has blue eyes and defined body

I have been on this site a VERY long time, longer than most I bump into. So forgive my bluntness !

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