Prodigits |
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* Interests
Football, boxing, money :)

* Makes Me Happy
Knowing that iv made people proud and happy

* Makes Me Sad
Ignorant people

* Good Habits
Very friendly and doesn't give up easily

* Bad Habits
Nothing I'm perfect :)

* Profession
Student at uni


* Team
Newcastle United

* Music
Mostly into hip-hop, rap, r&b.

* Singer/Band
Got loaaaaads

* TV Show
Hollyoaks :) .... Fresh prince .... And LOST :)

* Movie
Waaaay too many to say

* Animal
Penguins :)

* Food/Drink
Chinese ... And fav drink probs grey goose or ciroc with lemonade or pinapple juice

* Author

* Person
Too many peeps who I love :p

* Place
New York, Time square

* Thing
Love my xbox :)

* Quote
A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.

Got some pics in my group :)

More About 16jay16
16jay16 is asian, straight, single, religious, living with his parents and wants to be a dad one day. He has graduated from university.

He is normal weight, 5' 7" - 6' (170cm - 183cm) tall, has brown eyes and slim toned body

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