Prodigits |
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* Interests
history ,music,diy electronics, books , any form of artistic expression

* Makes Me Happy
day light

* Makes Me Sad

* Good Habits
i cook every day

* Bad Habits
i was a smoker NOT ANYMORE !!!!!

* Profession


* Team
fc AEK

* Music
rock,jazz,blues,progressive, anything that sounds good

* Singer/Band
john coltrain, miles davis ,led zeppelin, pink floyd etc

* TV Show
the simpons , animal planet,history channel

* Movie
breaking the waves, forrest gamp, pretty village pretty flame

* Animal
dogs !! ...who let the dogs out ..,woof woof woof ...

* Food/Drink
greek and asian food. i don't drink accept wine occasionally

* Author
kahlil gibran,umberto eko, edgar alan poe,j rr tolkien, kazantzakis

* Person
i admire very much mr. Sam Chillders, he a true fighter 4 the children that suffers from the L.R.A in Sudan and Uganda

* Place
the small creek in my hometown in Creta island

* Thing
my guitar i suppose

* Quote
Capre Diem

More About danaos
danaos is of white / caucasian origin, straight, single, religious and living alone. He has graduated from college.

He is normal weight, 5' 7" - 6' (170cm - 183cm) tall, has black eyes and athletic body
Photos (10)

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