Prodigits |
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* Interests
Nothing interests me but maybe ur girlfriend.

* Makes Me Happy
Pussy makes me happy

* Makes Me Sad
Going to school

* Good Habits
Smacking ya fckin head

* Bad Habits
snoring. Huuugh n lest i frgrt. I might sleep wiv ya galfrnd.

* Profession
So lazy i cant even get a job


* Team
TeamChelsea Teamvirus TeamUnilorin TeamGeology

* Music
Classic and apala tooooh baaddddt gan

* Singer/Band
still in heaven

* TV Show
The apprentice africa. And one lazy helluva of a show. Ohhh the cheaters too

* Movie
Mr bean

* Animal
Dinosaur and obelisk

* Food/Drink
Junks n helluva of an alcoholic

* Author
Me, myself and I

* Person
I dnt fckn undastnd what in the f**k u mean

* Place
On the road to success

* Thing
Longthing. U knw it. *winks*

* Quote
Life's a b***h

U dont like me. Cool. i dont wake up everyday to impress you. *winks*

More About alapet
alapet is straight, single, religious, living alone and wants to be a dad one day. He has graduated from university.

He is lightweight, 5' - 5' 3" (152cm - 160cm) tall, has black eyes and defined body

Am married to money n dts d best love story i can tell. Don't test me. You knw payback' is a b***h.
Photos (1)

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