Prodigits |
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* Interests
Watch tv, listen music, doing things on the phone

* Makes Me Happy

* Makes Me Sad
Death and pouriness

* Good Habits
Don't have them

* Bad Habits
Smoking, drinking

* Profession
Unemployeed yet. Have some ideas wanna make a patent.. So amma like some like enventor


* Team
Russia of cause, but we always loose, so I don't watch football

* Music
Eminem, 50 cent, kaney, lil wayne, linkin park, limp bizkit thats english. And kasta, guf, ptaha/zanuda, basta, b-2, zemfira, grivina thats from russian singers

* Singer/Band
50 cent

* TV Show
Simpsons, orel & reshka, russian comedy club

* Movie
Star treck, avengers, harry potter, night watch, brat (brother) 1-2, taxi.

* Animal
Don't have one, had pincher named Nika. Loved that dog, gone so long ago...

* Food/Drink
Kebab, kfc, mac donalds, dumplings

* Author
Lukyanenko, rowling, tolkien, aizek azimov.

* Person
Me, myself and I

* Place
My hometown - Novokuznetsk. Best place on Earth. Great town and here no potiones and venomus creaters like spiders and snakes like in other places of the world

* Thing
My phone

* Quote
I don't know... Be yourself, other roles already taken

More About iking
iking is of white / caucasian origin, straight, single, religious, living alone and wants to be a dad one day. He has graduated from college.

He is normal weight, over 6' 3" (190cm) tall, has green eyes and slim toned body
Photos (2)

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