Prodigits |
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* Interests
I like all kinds of sports, such as football, snooker, athletics, tennis and I also like to play games, on PS3, PS4 or watch my favorite YouTubers, Markiplier, Nostaglia Critic and CinemaSins.

* Makes Me Happy
I like going out, meeting new people and generally having a really good time with friends whenever possible. I also like my job, working at Peterborough United FC

* Makes Me Sad
Reflecting on my past so much, Fake people

* Good Habits
I always put other people before myself and am told I'm kind and caring in that respect, I also am told im a good listener.

* Bad Habits
Can dwell on the past too much and I trust too easily.

* Profession
I'm currently at Peterborough United Football Club and have been there for almost 13 years. I'm SIA security trained so am looking to get into security full time.


* Team
Manchester United, Peterborough United, Detroit Red Wings, Orlando Magic, New York Yankees, Miami Dolphins

* Music
Anything really but classical or goth rock

* Singer/Band
Limp Bizkit, Eminem, Dr Dre etc

* TV Show
FlashForward, Top Gear, The Apprentice (UK), Match Of The Day, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit

* Movie
So many so ask & ill tell

* Animal
Cats and Dogs.

* Food/Drink
Pasta, Egg Fried Rice, Chicken Balls in Curry Sauce, Pepsi, Cherry Coca-Cola (not together obviously..)

* Author
Not a book person but likes FlashForward by Robert J. Sawyer

* Person
David Hayter, Wayne Rooney, Sir Alex Ferguson, Dwayne Johnson and Mark Fischbach (Markiplier)

* Place
Anywhere other than Peterborough

* Quote
"wish in one hand & sh*t in the other. See which one fills up first"

Take a chance and ask to find out :)

More About newuk
newuk is of white / caucasian origin, straight, single, living with his parents and wants to be a dad one day. He has graduated from high school.

He is normal weight, 5' 7" - 6' (170cm - 183cm) tall, has brown eyes and medium build body

I'm an (almost) 13 year safety steward veteran at Peterborough United FC. Why not talk to me? You might even like me (or not) :)
Photos (29)

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