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irpixy » Blog [16]
irpixy January 2013
His voice brakes true the dakend waters, wear her body leis in its watery grave. A trusted melody her tears fall no more thow the ecows of hear. Broke
irpixy October 2012
I have been inlove whit. My boy friend for over 9 years. We wear friends for the migrate of that time and finally this year we decided to give it a go
irpixy October 2012
My unkel chris and antie amanda have been my heros in a sense sins I was a lite girl if it was shaving their hears and only keeping a frinsh ore being
irpixy September 2012
Its a penny in the oshin of the internet. My thots my opinions I can say what I like and not have to worry about who thinks what. . . But soon I'm gon
irpixy August 2012
What happens wen your whit the man of your dreams? What happens after the movie ends, after thy drive off in to the sun set. Why
irpixy July 2012
Aan die dood gee ek jou oor. Hartmoedig en foll sorge se ek my totsiens. Donerwolke en jasmein le ek foor jou neer. Sag hartig n reus n tediebeur van


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