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Proud to be American

Im proud to call myself a gun-toting, Bible-clinging, Constitution-loving, Flag-waving American.

I am a devout follower of our Lord and the United States Constitution.

I believe we are one nation under God our founding documents flavored by Judeo-Christian precepts.

I believe in extremely limited government. I support a flat tax. I believe we should return control of our public schools to local communities.

I believe in the Second Amendment.

I believe we should defend American sovereignty and secure our borders.

I believe we are at war with radical Islam.

I believe in religious liberty and will gladly fellowship with any religion that doesnt want to blow me up.

I believe in the sons and daughters of liberty defending our nation in the greatest military on the planet.

I believe in putting American workers first, not foreigners.

Now you may not agree with everything I have to say but thats okay. Because I also believe in the First Amendment and your right to say whats on your mind even if you happen to be one of those hippy-dippy, pot-smoking liberal loons.

I believe in America the most exceptional national nation in history.

* mok214's Blog

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