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Pliz read for the goodness of yourselfbelieve that you may be saued

Hello loved ones in christ. I have writen this ar blog that all my friends could read it.
I know times are hard and even the things of the world are really tempting.
But remember one thing my friends; the world and all its desires shall perish but the goodness in our lord GOD shall keep us alive.
God so loved the world the world that he gave his own son as a sacrifice for we who are wicked in hearts that anyone (be it black or white, young or old) who believed in him shall not die but have everlasting life.
We all believe that we shall all die and that might be true but those who believe in the lord jesus christ and walk in his teachings wont face the second death (in which the thief, the murderer, the devil will be brought to judgement).
You know the truth but you do not want to accept the truth. Painful it is to die when you knew the truth and never accepted it.
We all face challenges that may force us to leave the way of righteousness but remember; you're not alone. Believe in christ that you....

* trinitis's Blog

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