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Guys, remember my 'bestie' at work? The girl I posted about previously with whom I developed a close friendship pretty quick (huge mistake) and felt a spiritual connection with? She is turning out to be a complete b*tch.

She is such a backstabber! As soon as someone walks out, she starts b*tching about them. It's been 4 months since she joined and during this time-frame, I've discovered that she is not really a friend. She is a two-faced, deceitful, insecure, overly-competitive, overly-confident, dishonest, likes to start drama in the work place, always concerned about everybody else's business (such as what others are doing outside of work with their lives, what they did before, where they live etc) type of person.

She also gossips about other people's partners, and speaks on matters without knowing the facts. I find it awful, and honestly can't be bothered with it all. It emotionally affects me, my work and my mental peace. I adore my job! It's perfect, but she is having such a negative impact.

A lesson I've learned:
When people show you their true colours, believe them! And don't be too quick to trust people, and/or too quick to label them as a lover/friend. People are shady as f*ck!

What lesson took you way too long to learn?

Sorry for the essay, needed to get it out lol
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