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I've been using the AI type keyboard years ago on my old phone, a sSamsung with android kitkat,deleted it, the end.
2 months ago or so I signed up for notifications on to know if my account was/will be pwned in a data breach and unfortunately, it happened... here's their email :


Here's what's known about the breach:

Email found: my Gmail account
Breach: ai.type
Date of breach: 5 Dec 2017
Number of accounts: 20,580,060
Compromised data: Address book contacts, Apps installed on devices, Cellular network names, Dates of birth, Device information, Email addresses, Genders, Geographic locations, IMEI numbers, IMSI numbers, IP addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Profile photos, Social media profiles
Description: In December 2017, the virtual keyboard applicationai.type was found to have left a huge amount of data publicly facing in an unsecured MongoDB instance. Discovered by researchers at The Kromtech Security Center, the 577GB data set included extensive personal information including over 20 million unique email addresses, social media profiles and address book contacts. The email addresses alone were provided to HIBP to enable impacted users to assess their exposure.

You can also run a search for breaches of your email address again at any time to get a complete list of sites where your account has been compromised.

As with any data breach, the usual advice applies: consider the potential risk to yourself based on the types of data exposed. For example, if passwords were compromised then go to the impacted site and reset yours immediately plus, of course, ensure that you're not reusing that password on any other sites. Please note that it is not possible to retrieve the passwords themselves from HIBP.

The situation is almost criminal! My data is out there now!!!
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