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Let me go ahead and tell you now, This is not what we are waiting for. And also.. DO NOT buy these.. God d*mn Sony and their underhanded tactics.. I'll garuntees they are going to announce these Iike they are a big deal at E3 or something stupid like that.


Sony is releasing two new ps4 models, one with a 1tb harddrive and the other 500gb. The only real change in these systems seems either then a 1tb harddrive is to be a downgraded PSU (original 250W, new 230W) and the console will weigh 300 grams lighter.

No word if they will be any cheaper, more so the 500gb one. But trust me, you can upgrade your own harddrive for A LOT cheaper then buying a whole new console. If you went and spent 350-400 dollars on a hdd or even an ssd you would be able to have a whole lot more then just 1tb as well.
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