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Apparently the Iranian Ayatollah thinks so as Abbas Tabrizian has taken to social media to claim that the coronavirus vaccine is turning people gay and that his followers should refuse the jab.

His follower count is almost 210 000 people.

Tabrizian has previously advised his followers to drench some cotton in violet oil and apply onto your an*s, as a way of protecting the body from Covid-19.

Medical professionals have not backed up Tabrizian's claims.

Homosexuality remains outlawed in Iran and is punishable by death.

WikiLeaks cables in 2008 revealed that between 4,000 and 6,000 gay and lesbian people have been executed by Iran since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Iran continues to suffer from the spread of the coronavirus, with a seven-day average of new cases over 7,000, and over 58,000 deaths recorded since the start of the pandemic.
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