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Back in the day when Grindr didn't exist, I met this guy on Romeo. I went on a few dates with him. We were a great match. He wanted to marry me. Then over a couple of weeks, he changed. In the sense that he talked to me less, and texted me less. It was like texting a totally different person.

And when I checked his FB, I noticed the delete. He even removed me from FB. But he was too good to let go without finding out why so I inboxed him, and he was like I got married, I didn't wanna hurt your feelings, I'm stopping communication with all my Romeo contacts, I wanna focus on my married life blahblah.gif

That happened about 5 years ago. But once a queen, always a queen, right? He messaged me on Grindr a while back. He wants to pick up from where he left off when everything was good.

Is his wife out-of-town or what? I'm just curious. Is he still married? Should I ask him that? Lol

In my shoes, what would you do? Reply or leave it? As you can probably tell from this question, I am bored.
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