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I discovered this website when I was around 16 or 17. I am going 29 now. Now I realize how sad it can really be to go back to a place where you made a lot of memories. It makes you want to turn back time and be a kid again. In this case, that place is this website.

It is really sad to be an adult, you know. When I was a kid, I could run to this place for escape. Just use your imagination and poof, you're out of your messy situation. But in an adult life, there is no escape. You have to face anything. And the reminder that people throw at you that they think is helpful is, you're not a kid anymore, but I wish I was.

Sometimes, I dream that I would wake up and see myself as 17 again. Ever since I left this place when I got to work and in the advent of many other things like Facebook, Twitter, etc, my life seemed to be in fast forward.

Well, no one might remember me here anymore, but I just wanted to say HI and I hope you are enjoying this place as much as I did when I was a kid.
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