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djd_18 April 2008
martix April 2010
(new) Wap Tricks [267]
A topic for all wap tricks and how they work. Please, do not paste free browsing tricks for various network service providers. Only paste mode of oper
gurue398 June 2008
(new) Mtn free GPRS [264]
if ur fone can multi task .....the trick is to download wlirc any wap based application. run the application in the background and then log ontn gprs
luk65 September 2006
(new) Free MTN gprs [100]
*updated n edited 11 03 06* is de ne1 who know any free wap settins 4 mtn bcoz voda ppl appearantly are getin wap 4 free bcoz they help each other wi
intro January 2008
(new) Opera/Opera Mini [291]
***04.05.06*** This is one dedicated Opera thread. Other threads/posts will be removed! S60 users please go to S60 forum where there is sticky opera p
daint0n July 2006
(new) New orange wap trick [322]
Ok text EMAIL to 1122 its a free txt,then when u fone orange to do ur 1 pound wap when it runs out itl say its gon through,ul get the text saying its
scfc October 2006
(new) Orange Network [178]
****Updated 13 / 04 / 06*** this topic contains a lot of info mainly provided by scfc please read for full details, admin will edit it to cut out chat
bumsreek April 2007
(new) Wap/Gprs Settings [71]
Right, I'm going to do this once and once only. If you need to find it again type SETTINGS999 onto the search page. Here goes. 02 Contract - Name o2 g
wakada.u April 2009
(new) Zain [602]
Let's talk about zain. Everything you know about it post it here. Tricks Promotions and services. Wellcome!
xxxx4u March 2010
(new) 3G In India [705]
as we know it will be soon working in india,we can share our coments on it here.
alex723 November 2007
(new) vlive gprs internet [328]
ive seen alota replies bout how2connect2da internet on da pc using da vlive gprs settings. dis post is dedicated2finding a way2make it work
reprise February 2007
(new) Orange Safeguard [230]
Does anyone know if a safeguard is coming in2 effect for orange customers soon? Because whilst on pro earlier, when I refreshed the page, it came up w
ilona.22 August 2006
(new) Free SA Wap, how? [238]
WAP! PLZ SUM1 TELL ME HOW TO get free wap and plz dont say do a search or vodafone live
ndrau September 2010
(new) SA wap/gprs [254]
i will post sum settings
f_i_r_e March 2007
(new) MTN via pc! [243]
Ok here is what u do 2 get free internet on the pc using mtn! U have 2 have R0.00 and use the access point myMTN not internet! Use yf or j*p and type

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