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thatg1rl »
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* Topics:
thatg1rl May 2022
(new) final fantasy X hd [26]
announced for ps3 and vita this morning, so i just read. Is this actually happening or just a cruel rumour to taunt us all?pray
thatg1rl March 2012
thatg1rl January 2012
(new) the last of us [53]
So its being developed by naughty dog.. Im guessing theyr moving away from uncharted style games altho the male char looks very similar to drake. Any

* Replies:
thatg1rl 3 days
Loving rdr2. The stuped one on the other hand hates it lol.gif
thatg1rl 3 days
On my second playthrough of persona 5. Makes me wish they'd bring out persona 3 out on ps4. Now thats a game worthy of hd'ing daydream.gif
thatg1rl 3 days
Haha yeah I ain't no fool evileye.gif on a side note she should definitely use the glitch before they patch it. Some things like themes can take 5 or 6
thatg1rl 3 days
@ crail - 7.07.18 - 06:14pm Take it you paid? My Mrs couldn't see how you platinumed it so quickly</d
thatg1rl 3 days
just finished fallout shelter gum.gif

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