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adman85 »
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* Topics:
adman85 October 2015
(new) Xbox one cloud storage issue (4)
So recently had an issue where my cloud stored saved games wouldn't sync through wifi even though I put the Xbox in the DMZ, I then did port forwardin
adman85 November 2014
(new) 2015 to be a better year? (0)
So after 2014 was a bit of a bust in the gaming world considering the problems a lot of developers and games have suffered with games being pushed bac
adman85 September 2014
(new) Killer instinct season 2 (3)
Anyone bought this yet? I'm appalled at the fact you have to pay another 30 pound for it
adman85 August 2014
(new) Rise of the Tomb Raider Xbox [37]
So just saw online this is going to be on Xbox One only. I'm looking forward to it but most games that are exclusive to Xbox end up on other platforms
adman85 July 2014
(new) Murdered: Soul Suspect (4)
Anyone played this yet? I had a quick go last night, it's a very different game, I think it's going to be good

* Replies:
adman85 July 2018
When the Xbox One was initially released Microsoft said it had to be connected constantly but the backlash they had from it meant they changed it befo
adman85 October 2015
I knew there'd be some Xbox haters who would comment. Think my hard drive is corrupted as well
adman85 September 2015
My mate has just had his come through, he said the player names haven't been updated to reflect the new squads for this season and the kits are all ou
adman85 January 2015
I had the issue before, it's a typical EA s**t server issue
adman85 November 2014
I've got access to the alpha had a quick go yesterday, will play more today and really test it

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