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* Topics:
shifty October 2018
(new) Pro users celeb doubles [437]
Which celebs or tv characters remind you of pro users. The pw will not be held liable for any offence or slander caused . .
shifty November 2017
(new) Fashion disasters [89]
Upon reflection of your dress sense, have you had any fashion disasters over the years? What were they? I regularly got hand me down clothes from my c
shifty October 2017
(new) Fight or flight [20]
Ever had a fight or flight experience? What happened to give you one and how did you respond . .
shifty September 2016
(new) A clown takes a prat fall . . (8)
Anyone seen this YouTube video 'A clown takes a prat fall' ? Road rage incident between a car driver and cyclist. . 10 out of 10 for the somersault
shifty August 2016
(new) Are you sexy and you know it? . . [68]
Lets be honest . . are you sexy and you know it?? . .

* Replies:

* Favourites:
pmbguy November 2014
(new) any tagalog speakers online? [12]
got a problem, trying to register on symbianize, n the veriication questionis in what i think is tagalog, but can't confirm... Verification Que
mshippy November 2014
(new) Water charges [56]
Here in ireland the government has imposed water charges on us from january but the irish people including myself are fighting against it through prot
moplady November 2014
(new) Last letter clipart game [22]
Use the last letter of the last Clipart to add your one. You know how to play this, have to put the CLIPART up as well and put the name of it beside i
phlamex October 2014
(new) Hey what's ur evolution theory. [59]
Im kindda curious to know how we humans evolved
newt182 February 2017
(new) Nigel Farage the modern day Hitler [1033]
The BBC Learning Zone website poses this age-old question: Why did the people of Germany support the Nazis? And this is what they boil it down

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