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matrix82 »

* Topics:
matrix82 January 2012
(new) 5.0.1 to 4.2.1 (5)
Hi there everyone hope your all having a good christmas. Is it possible to downgrade an iphone4 on 5.0.1 to 4.2.1 and wot software would i need to do
matrix82 May 2011
(new) jailbreak help plz (5)
hi i have an iphone 4 on 4.3.1 and trying to jailbreak with greenpoison rc6. Everything goes ok till the writing that comes down the screen but only c
matrix82 September 2010
(new) 5800 music to iphone (4)
Hi everyone I had a 5800 with loads of mp3s on it and wondered if there was any way of putting the them on to an jailbroking iPhone 3gs and is there a

* Replies:
matrix82 January 2012
seen on google your need to install corona in cydia but cant find that package
matrix82 January 2012
ive jailbroken ip4 on 5.0.1 with redsnow but its a tethered jb how do i make it untethered plz
matrix82 January 2012
im running vista and trying im opening software as admin but still no luck
matrix82 January 2012
ive downloaded redsnow through the link above but once ive opened it redsnow.exe has stopped working any ideas please
matrix82 January 2012
Coz I thought that was latest untethered jailbreak but just found out that there was a 4.3.3 jb so either 4.2.1 or 4.3.3 which ever is better if not

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