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tekt0nix »
tekt0nix send

* Topics:
tekt0nix July 2014
(new) 50 shades of grey movie (9)
Haven't read the books but the trailer looks kinda good, deffo be going to see it
tekt0nix June 2014
(new) depressed [13]
I'm surrounded by idiots, it's making me seriously depressed :(
tekt0nix April 2014
(new) Shrek is love, Shrek is life (4)
Funniest youtube video ive seen in ages. Give it a wlatch.......
tekt0nix April 2014
(new) rant [13]
People who quit smoking an keep going on about wanting to have one, just stfu an have smoke good
tekt0nix February 2014
(new) Flappy bird [14]
Just got 25 b***hes

* Replies:

* Favourites:
mick.69 April 2018
(new) PIC RATE [1794]
not seen one of these in ages so get rating the person above go

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