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My friend got a tiny paper cut,began feeling ill with flu like symptoms she went to the pharmacist who gave her advice and a dressing for the cut which was by then infected,the next day she rang her gp for a call out but that was the day the beast from the east put Fife on red alert so no gp went out to her,her daughter went in the next day and her mum was unresponsive so she called 999 but because they live in a remote area she was told an ambulance would not make it,so she and her husband got her into the 4x4 to the hospital,she was put into a coma and the family were told she was not going to make it to gather everybody to say goodbye....but she fought and eventually they brought her out of the coma,still in a critical condition for the next few weeks to be told she will be getting both hands and both feet amputated,she is currently in surgery right now getting her hands amputated,once shes strong enough her feet will be amputated....shes only 54 years old and all this because of a paper cut sad.gif
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