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Do you guys think that in majority of cases rehabilitation of ex convicts is truly possible?
I have had quite a few friends from the streets with prior convictions, and while I remained distant from everything they partook in, it seemed that they did continue to commit crimes even after being released from prison.
One of my past friends from the Netherlands once contemplated over how much he has transformed since his earlier convictions, which was in armed burglary and it seems so ironic that when he breaks the chains of a bike to steal it or does shoplifting with tons of grocery items that it somehow does not equate to the gravity of crimes he once did.
I see the same pattern in another person I knew who was in prison for commit serious assault against the abuser of his niece's ex boyfriend and yet today he still continues to sell drugs on street corners.
It does make me wonder whether such individuals are perhaps just wired differently than us? Perhaps they do not respond to the stimuli of fear and guilt the same way ordinary people do? This could be a result of both nurture and nature, but knowing the people I do, I wonder what exactly the point of the prison sentence was? And if it did, why do they still possess such a high degree of danger to society?
It leaves me in awe sometimes.
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