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mouse18 »
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* Topics:
mouse18 April 2016
(new) Prodigits [37]
Any old hands on here or is it all new people now? hmm.gif
mouse18 September 2014
(new) Kindle or paper book? [36]
Plus what are you reading right now? (If anything) Edit: I should have said E-reader, whoops!

* Replies:
mouse18 7 days
There's no such thing as a 'man bag'. Bags are bags!
mouse18 7 days
mouse18 August 2018
freshly cut grass even with my hayfever I loves it! Best smell ever! That or the smell of freshly made bread! That's it, they're the best...Oh and boo
mouse18 October 2018
This place has changed, new people everywhere! *Goes back to giving it a wide birth till the next drop in*
mouse18 March 2017
Lol indeed! Not much funnier then people buying pets and then realising they don't have a clue about how to care for them.

* Favourites:
rose01 September 2014 May 2015
(new) love songs [82]
What love song give you goose bumps when u hear it for whatever reason?

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