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ch0cazn »
ch0cazn send

* Topics:
ch0cazn November 2018
(new) WHY ? [18]
why is the word peace used excessively yet every country spending trillions on weaponry? Why do they yearn peace but continue to bury there deceased?w
ch0cazn August 2018
(new) Real 4 real [210]
Why do some girls have more filter's than a vaccume.What ever happened to originality?

* Replies:
ch0cazn January 2019
You should decline and tell her why
ch0cazn January 2019
What is the issue if she drank with you once before kids who want to drink alcohol regarless of consent or law.
ch0cazn July 2023
You got to stand tall or you can fo0karound and fall. It's pointless screaming there is no1 to call so please dont break or stall you Can
ch0cazn November 2018
@ ladibud - 20.11.18 - 10:46am in the point about giving millions to buy weapons etc when you want peace..
ch0cazn November 2018
That's true but yet there are so called librators that engage and deploy there troops for there own agendas.Despite facing any non existent security t

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