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gooji »

* Topics:
gooji June 2014
gooji June 2014
gooji June 2014
(new) what song is it??!!! [36]
In trainspotting, when renton moves to London The lyrics are something like 'find the free land' It plays in the background and then begbie
gooji May 2014
(new) two crows attack woman [39]
Just witnessed this mad s**t... Two black as black crows followed a woman up the street and proceeded to peck and s**t on her.. I've never seen an
gooji May 2014
(new) old wives tales and mythical solutions [15]
What ones have you heard? Apart from hot tea cooling you down or half a bottle of water on the lawn stops cats p*ssing on it? Indulge me

* Replies:
gooji March 2016
Why was my comment deleted? fking hell I only said she made me a bracelet
gooji March 2016
@ xxzeroxx - 27.02.16 - 02:14pm They broke up but got back together end last year. She moved back from her
gooji March 2016
Stop speculating around her death please. Me and my fiance grew close but I'd loosely known her for a decade. Not the news I wanted to hear..will b
gooji November 2015
I've been here. Went for a week..the bed was like single and a queen put together
gooji November 2016
Who'd wanna come to earth? Earth is like Syria of the universe

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