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mcsnoop »
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* Topics:
mcsnoop April 2014
(new) It is hooot outside [32]
is it just me or is the sun getting closer to the earth. i just went outside and it felt like a hundred degree out there
mcsnoop April 2014
(new) 25 to life [28]
What would you do if you got 25 to life for a crime you knew nothing about? preferably a murder
mcsnoop April 2014
(new) whats the difference (3)
Whats the difference between a idiot and a dumb ass. i always called my friends in class idiot when they mess up and my lecturer never complained, but

* Replies:
mcsnoop May 2014
mcsnoop April 2014
Lol for the fun of it i tried scrambling a egg in a pan outside and it actually worked. this yrs summer sun is abnormaly hot
mcsnoop April 2014
Yea i do. the guy down the street is on crime watch for allegedly burning his ex house with her asleep in it lol of course no one died
mcsnoop April 2014
yea , buhbye now bye.gif
mcsnoop April 2014
what planet u from

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