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Now, I can't say I am a fan of horror movies, I used to like them, but of late they get me tingling; even when I don't watch or go to bed happy. I have horrible nightmares; almost daily.

Recently though, I had this horrible nightmare, among several others of course.

I was in the care of my late sister.
I laid her on the bed to sleep and stayed around.
Shortly after, I decided to check on her; I found the mattress had pressed her against the wall, her nose was blocked, she couldn't breathe.
Her body was flat, literally like it was squeezed between two hard objects, and her face was covered with a thin polythene bag as if to choke her to death.
I quickly tore off the polythene, covering her face and started breathing air into her lungs through her nose. I tried so many times, and I could see her body inflating again.
Slowly by slowly, she gained some feel of life. Finally, she coughed and came back to life.
I was so happy, I carried her and was looking for clothes to have her wear.
My cousin came into the room; it seems she had heard what had happened; she found me helping my sister wear a stunning and colorful dress with long arms looking like wings.
Then I burst into tears and crying; I said, I just pray she lives; she deserves to live too...

The funny thing is that when I woke up, my face was pressed against my pillow, I was also choking.

I have dreamt of her a lot. I get these terrible dreams of being chased, by zombies or humans. Sometimes I am in verbal fights with my dad or my brothers.

Yesterday, I literally remember telling myself in the dream, this is a dream, I have to wake up! then I subconsciously decided to slap myself in the face and I miraculously woke up.

The toughest part about all this is that each time I wake up from these nightmares, I have a terrible headache, and it's almost daily.

Do you guys have these kinds of experiences? What's wrong with me?

Thanks, guys for listening
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