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peta 13 days
(new) Weather these days.. [32]
So weve been having that taunting falling all day but sporadically heavy type of rain for the last 2.5 days. Tomorrow morning is supposed to be a bit
f4bri0t 14 days
(new) Spring (8)
Spring is coming, bring your belongings in this great bag outside. For men.
obi_jon 15 days
(new) Spoughts. [1121]
It's like the 'Thoughts' topic but for sports(or like the Spacewatch topic(Sportwatch?)) You know the score. On your marks, get set, GO.
f4bri0t 15 days
(new) I've been (1)
Less mentally interested, and decreased mental stamina for years
f4bri0t 17 days
(new) Taste (0)
Getting sense of taste back would be nice eating.gif
obi_jon 18 days
(new) swallows [135]
I've seen the odd one or two of them braving the cold and arriving here over the last couple of weeks, shivering on iced up telephone wires. Well now
bazinga 19 days
(new) I bet you wondered where I've been... (9)
Okay probably not, but i was h*t with a sudden bout of nostalgia and wanted to see if my old haunt is still going. This site has been going for like 2
bazinga 20 days
(new) Don't you forget about me [98]
What do you want to be remembered for?
shadow27 21 days
(new) Non Lethal Weapons [50]
Do you know what they are? In 1973, The United States deployed the Urban Funk Campaign, a psychoacoustic attack during the war with the inte
trunking 21 days
(new) Everything Russia [3146]
Where we can post all that is to do with Russia. Question: If Putin were to leave will the negative global political dispensation towards Russia subside? Or will someone similar, or worse, take his place?
peta 21 days
(new) Solar Eclipse 2024 [11]
Apparently it was only visible over this side of the pond, but man we got an eyeful today. NY was in line for totality, which was amazing! Literally n
peta 21 days
(new) New addition to the family.. [188]
Soo, Vodka has gotten a brother. Yes, youve heard right. A new little branch to our family. Still on the fence about his name so I want y'alls sugges
f4bri0t 24 days
(new) Air conditioner [16]
Do you have one? How much do you pay monthly? I couldn't afford to run a/c 24/7 with 4,79 cents/kWh.
afridi101 24 days
(new) EID Greetings!! [187]
After the month of Ramadan itz the Festive of EIDhappy.gif
f4bri0t 24 days
(new) Alogia (1)
Alogia is Greek for without words. Its also sometimes called poverty of speech. In this case, poverty doesnt refer to economic concepts like money or

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